
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Video de una ardilla baby y un perro

Os dejo este video tan gracioso de una ardilla jugando con un perro, se trata de una ardilla baby, y el chico que ha subido el video nos cuenta esto:

"This is our dog, Millie, and our baby squirrel, whom has been dubbed "Squirrel", we rescued from our back yard after a tree fell down and we found this little baby squirrel. We left the squirrel outside for about a day and when we went back he was still there. His mother never found him, or his mother was dead. We then took it upon our selves to take care of this little squirrel until he is ready to be released. So far he has lasted just over a week under our care. He has evolved from not having his eyes open to a bounding squirrel full of energy.
He is very fun to watch and enjoys playing with my dog and of course, eating. Hopefully I will have updates every once and a while as he is just too cute not to take pictures and video of. Neither my dog, nor the squirrel has been hurt during their play. He is not meant to be kept as a pet, and will be released as soon as possible. Please enjoy this little video of the squirrel and my dog.

If you have any question or comments post below on this video, email me or on my form spring: "

TRADUZCO:  es video es su perro y una ardilla que encontraron en su jardin de atras, le pusieron comida y cosas hasta que su madre fuera a recoger, pero despues de varios dias nadie la recogió por lo que la adoptaron. Y bueno otras cosas más que no vienen al caso. 
Pues nada os dejo el video para que disfruteis viendolo. Cuando encuentre más videos os los iré dejando.

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